
Safe Marketplace for electronic components.

Auction & Reverse Auction Offers Dynamic pricing and bidding. ensure best market value.

Verified sellers and product authenticity.                                        leveraging a large number of traders to eliminate price gouging. 



Bidchip empower Buyers and Suppliers to tread online without the fear of:



Fraudulent transaction




Reverse Auction



Lab Test


Improves your trading experience in four key areas

Streamline Trading

Save Time

Save Money

Increase Safety


Why BidChip?


We understand the frustration of not being able to trade freely.


We don’t only care about parts; we care about your safety.


We discovered a way to win more projects safer, faster, and price effectively.

Product number 1 Auction

Leveraging a large number of buyers to gain a fair market value for your offer, by using a bidding process where buyers compete to increase prices.



You don't deserve to keep looking for buyers to sell your part

Value proposition

Value proposition

Maximize the value of your parts; priceswill increase as buyers bid each other out.


Why BidChip


We understand the frustration of selling your part’s at a reduced price because your network of buyers is limited.


We don't only care about the network of buyers; we care about improving your bottom line.


We discovered a way to increase your network of buyers and get you the best value for your parts.

Product Number 2 Quest (reverse auction)

Leveraging a large number of suppliers to gain a fair market value for your demand, by using a bidding process where sellers compete to reduce prices.



Find parts
You don’t deserve to keep having to look around for suppliers to find you parts

High price & Negotiation
Paying an unfair premium for parts is a frustrating and unjust experience

Unreliable stock
Dealing with unreliable stock data can be exasperating

Value proposition

Value proposition

Prices will decrease as the sellers underbid each other.

Stop to warry about Authenticity of part’s and payment assurance.

And start to benefit from streamlines procurement through:

Auctions and Quest (reverse auctions)

Driving cost savings

Saving time

Expanding supplier networks

Optimizing pricing


Frequently asked questions

An auction is a process of buying and selling goods or services by offering them for bid and selling to the highest bidder. It is a competitive mechanism where multiple participants compete to acquire the item being auctioned. 

Here are some benefits of auctions:

Efficient price discovery: Auctions enable sellers to determine the true market value of their goods. The competitive bidding process allows buyers to reveal the maximum price they are willing to pay, which leads to a fair and efficient determination of the item's value.

Transparency and fairness: Auctions provide a transparent and fair platform for all participants. The bidding process is open and visible to everyone involved, eliminating biases and ensuring equal opportunities for all buyers.

Competitive environment: Auctions foster a competitive environment that can drive prices higher than what might be achieved through other selling methods. Bidders are motivated to outbid each other, resulting in potentially higher prices for the seller.

Quick and time-sensitive sales: Auctions are particularly useful when there is a need for a quick sale or when the item being auctioned has a limited lifespan or value that decreases over time. Auctions create a sense of urgency among bidders, leading to faster transactions.

Attracting a broad range of buyers: Auctions can draw a diverse group of buyers, including individuals, collectors, businesses, and investors. This wide range of participants increases the chances of finding the most suitable buyer for the item and potentially maximizing the selling price.

Unique items and rare opportunities: Auctions often feature unique, rare, or one-of-a-kind items that may not be readily available through traditional retail channels. Auctions provide a platform for buyers to access such exclusive goods and opportunities.

Overall, auctions offer benefits such as price discovery, transparency, efficiency, and the ability to attract a wide range of buyers. These advantages make auctions a popular method for selling various goods and services in many industries.

Reverse auction is a procurement method in which sellers compete to win a buyer's business by submitting increasingly lower bids. In a reverse auction, sellers compete against each other to secure a contract or sale.

The process of a reverse auction typically involves the following steps:

  1. The buyer identifies the goods or services they require and specifies their requirements, including, quantities, delivery timelines, and any other relevant details.
  2. Sellers are invited to participate in the Reverse auction and are provided with the necessary information about the buyer's requirements.
  3. Sellers submit their initial bids, usually with a starting price based on their cost structures and profit margins.
  4. As the Reverse auction progresses, sellers can see the current lowest bid and have the opportunity to submit revised, lower bids.
  5. The Reverse auction continues for a predefined period of time, during which sellers can submit multiple rounds of bids.
  6. At the end of the Reverse auction, the seller with the lowest bid wins the sale.

The benefits of reverse auctions include:

Cost savings: Reverse auctions create a competitive environment where sellers are motivated to offer lower prices to secure the business. As a result, buyers often benefit from obtaining goods at a lower cost compared to traditional negotiation methods.

Increased efficiency: Reverse auctions streamline the procurement process by reducing the time and effort required for negotiation. The competitive nature of the auction encourages sellers to submit their best offers upfront and encourages swift decision-making.

Expanded supplier pool: Reverse auctions allow buyers to engage with a wider range of suppliers, including those they may not have previously considered. This expands the options available and provides an opportunity to discover new suppliers and innovative solutions.

Transparency and fairness: Reverse auctions promote transparency as sellers can see the current lowest bid and adjust their pricing accordingly. This transparency ensures fairness in the bidding process and helps prevent collusion or unfair practices.

Electronic component directories provide a centralized resource to find and research electronic components from various manufacturers. They offer advantages such as:

Wide selection of components.

Detailed product information.

Pricing and availability.

Technical resources and data sheets.

Endless of RFQ

Auctions and Quest (reverse auctions)

Driving cost savings

Saving time

Expanding supplier networks

Optimizing pricing

IC chip finders or IC search engines are tools or platforms specifically designed to help users locate and identify integrated circuit (IC) chips based on specific criteria. These tools can be beneficial when searching for specific IC chips or when trying to find alternatives or equivalents. IC chip finder platforms:

IC chip finders or IC search engines are tools or platforms specifically designed to help users locate and identify integrated circuit (IC) chips based on specific criteria. These tools can be beneficial when searching for specific IC chips or when trying to find alternatives or equivalents. IC chip finder platforms:

IC chip finders or IC search engines are tools or platforms specifically designed to help users locate and identify integrated circuit (IC) chips based on specific criteria. These tools can be beneficial when searching for specific IC chips or when trying to find alternatives or equivalents. IC chip finder platforms:

IC chip finders or IC search engines are tools or platforms specifically designed to help users locate and identify integrated circuit (IC) chips based on specific criteria. These tools can be beneficial when searching for specific IC chips or when trying to find alternatives or equivalents. IC chip finder platforms:

IC chip finders or IC search engines are tools or platforms specifically designed to help users locate and identify integrated circuit (IC) chips based on specific criteria. These tools can be beneficial when searching for specific IC chips or when trying to find alternatives or equivalents. IC chip finder platforms:

electronic component directories

Electronic Component Directories

There are several electronic component directories available online that provide comprehensive listings of electronic components from various manufacturers. These directories can be valuable resources for engineers, purchasers, and researchers in the electronics industry. Here are a few popular electronic component directories:

It’s worth noting that while these directories provide access to a wide range of electronic components, it is always recommended to verify the availability, specifications, and authenticity of the components directly with the manufacturers or authorized distributors.

Some of the electronic component distributors in Canada includes:

Digi-Key Electronics Canada

Arrow Electronics Canada

Future Electronics Canada

Another category

Another category of distributor are:

Indium Corporation is not primarily a distributor of electronic components. Instead, it is a global supplier of specialty materials, including soldering materials, fluxes, thermal interface materials, and other related products. While Indium Corporation does not focus on distribution, its products are used in various electronic manufacturing processes.

Indium Corporation supplies its products to electronic component manufacturers, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), contract manufacturers, and other companies involved in the electronics industry. Their materials are used for applications such as soldering, thermal management, die attach, and assembly in the production of electronic components and devices.

While Indium Corporation does not directly distribute electronic components, their specialty materials play a vital role in the manufacturing and assembly processes of electronic components, contributing to the reliability and performance of electronic devices. Their products are often sourced by electronic component manufacturers and other industry players to ensure quality and performance in their manufacturing operations.


We understand the frustration of the inability to locate parts and slow down your production line.


We discovered a solution that exposes your quest to hundreds of sellers faster and cost-effectively without sacrificing safety.


Our concern goes beyond just finding parts, and we prioritize your bottom line.


Imagine your satisfaction from establishing instant trust with any buyer or supplier, trading partscertified by a credible lab, getting paid by escrow, and ensuring your business is never slowed down,which paves theway for your next successful projec